This week, I started going to another mission in the south, in a city called Usme. I think I'm going to spend most of my time here, while Laura-Catherine focuses on her work in Bosa. It takes a little over an hour to get to Usme by bus. The kids are wonderful and are really fun to work with. I have been teaching them some english and they are picking things up really quickly. Audra and Laura-Catherine had already taught them 'head shoulders knees and toes' and 'the hokey-pokey' and they love those songs! I'm working on the ABCs with them...and we have made it to the letter 'P'. Yesterday, I broke them into two teams (lions vs pumas--their choices), and we played a trivia/vocab game. It was great!! They were into it the entire time, and we had a lot of fun. 

Next week, they are going to start writing letters to the youth group back at my church in Maryland. This will help them with their english and they are very excited about their new friends from the states.
Tomorrow, I am waking up early and going to Bosa for a 'brigada'. It's basically a health fair where doctors and specialists treat people from the community all day. I'm really excited about it. I am also looking into medical opportunities in Soacha, where doctors without borders is located, and an AIDS clinic is struggling to open up. I'll keep you updated!
As I wrap up this entry, I want to take a moment to remember the people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and all of the people who risked their lives to save others. I want to say thank you to every member of our armed forces and pray for all of the people who lost family and friends that morning. Never forget!
Love, Kate
Hey Kate-m - Sounds like things are going well. Those kids must LOVE you! If you need jump ropes, etc. let me know....I can pull together a care package pronto! Love you sweetie! xoxo Aunt