Last week we took our VBS program to Soacha. It went really well! Brittany and I are really getting comfortable with teaching the music and art projects, and how to adapt when things don't go exactly as planned. We had about 25 kids from the neighborhood and had to be strict with our 6-12 age limit. It was so tempting to allow the little 3 years olds play with us, but we wanted the older kids to get a break from taking care of their younger siblings. We were really fortunate to have the help of my awesome grandparents and padre carlos' family. Without their help it wouldn't have run nearly as smoothly. Thanks grandi and pops and christian!

This past weekend the Diocese of Colombia put on a youth conference and it was so exciting to see pre-teens from all over Colombia (and a group from Ecuador) representing their parishes. Brittany and I ran a work shop with the girls about respecting others and themselves. This is very important for young women in Colombia because the teenage pregnancy is very high . Overall, the 'encuentro de jovenes' was a great success and it was great to meet youth from all over colombia and ecuador.
Now we are in Cartagena with the Diocese of Connecticut mission trip. It's been a busy, HOT few days. We are having a great time getting to know the group and working with over 150 children from four different churches/missions. I'll update all about the trip next week!
Love, Kate
Great work Kate - you are making a bigger difference than you could possibly know!