We went to Usme to show them our kids and the mission. We had a lot of fun that day teaching the kids a country line dance and the macarena. The best part is that both bishops and their wives joined in!

The day after we went to Usme, it was a national holiday because Colombia turned 200! During the day, Sam and I checked out the big concert in parque simon bolivar and saw Colombia's current and future presidents speak. Then, we went downtown to grab an early dinner before the main event in the plaza. The doors opened from 4-7 to get into the plaza for the bicentennial show. Apparently all of bogota arrived early (definitely a first) because the entrance was closed by 5. Brittany, Sam and I couldn't even move in the crowd of frustrated colombians who were trying to push through. We decided to take advantage of a hotel contact and ended up on the roof of hotel casa deco with a bottle of wine watching some great fireworks. It ended up being a perfect way to celebrate Colombia's 200th birthday!
Today, Brittany and I are flying to Bucaramanga to visit a mission for about four days. Also, today marks my 11th month here! I can't believe how quickly time has passed. See you in a month!
Love, Kate
Wow - how do you wind down an incredible year?