Friday, April 30, 2010

vbs in usme

When we told our kids about vacation bible school, they were so excited about it. The week before the camp we had a serious talk with them. We told them that other children from the neighborhood would be joining us for a week of vacation bible school, and we were counting on them to behave well and help us. We were under the impression that they all understood and were ready to start the week. We were all really looking forward to an exciting week full of bible stories, crafts, snacks and games. The first day was great. Everyone made shirts and they were so cute! They loved the songs and all got along well.
Day two was a different story. Our program kids segregated themselves from the others, were not listening to us, and were fighting and running all over the place. It got to the point where we had to tell everyone that VBS was canceled on Wednesday and would resume on Thursday.
On Wednesday, we had a long talk with our group. We told them that we were not mad, but we were very disappointed. We try to do fun things and keep the program exciting, but we will stop if we do not get the respect that we deserve. We had them write in their journals and it seemed that they all understood. We also came up with the decision that they're all going to start giving back to the community by picking up trash or painting pictures for the elderly. We're counting on them to think of more ideas.
The last two days of VBS went really smoothly. Padre Romero did the bible stories and the kids did a great job drawing the 'three kings':

Sunday was our big VBS wrap up. The kids performed for the congregation and it was GREAT! Padre Romero told everyone to get on their feet and follow the kids' lead. The kids were all smiling and did a wonderful job!

Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible! We're looking forward to our next campo biblicos later this summer.

Love, Kate

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